Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What a Trip!

I had a great trip this past week-end. I got into my car box and we drove for a lonnng time and then we stopped for a lonnng time and THEY left me in the car while they went to party. Oh sure, they tried to take me in to the party but that is NOT for me! I liked sitting in the car watching from afar!

Then we drove a lonnnng lonnng time and finally mamasan said, "We are here" and she grabbed me up and carried me into the house which turned out to be a strange house that I have never been in!!!! I went right under the bed and stayed there until SHE finally shut the lights off. I came sneaking out and explored the room a bit. I found my newspaper on the floor and a bowl of food and glass of water. I also found the potty which seemed to be very important but was not out of sight as it normally is. Did THEY think I would "GO" right in front of EVERYONE? In the morning THEY left me locked in the room which was FINE with me because I heard an AWFUL LOUD SCARY NOISY MEOWING in the night and I sure did not want to scramble with THAT creature.
Finally all the packing went on and I was put back into the car box and we drove a lonnng lonng lonng way back to HOME which I really love a lot! I love my car box but I love HOME best of all!

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